As we prepare to kick off another season of cheesemaking (our 25th!!), we wanted to highlight faces new and familiar and help you get to know the crew that makes it all happen everyday.
First up is James! James came to us from Tampa, FL and is the new kid on the block this year. With a background studying agricultural economics at UF (as well as Brazil, Slovakia, Germany, and China!), we are excited to have her expertise and exuberant attitude on both the farm and in the cheese house.
How and/or why did you start working at MCD?
“I worked in veggies for a long time and have always been in love with dairy farming. After a long search for the right spot, I couldn’t be happier! I look forward to what the season will bring.”
What is your favorite beverage & food?
“Garlic is god. Mediterranean and Korean.”
Are you a night owl or an early bird?
“Brunch pigeon.”
What’s your life’s mission?
“Getting kids and teenagers interested in farming. I grew up in an urban area and can’t imagine living in one again.”
What do you do when you’re not working?
“Read/music/hike/cook/dance/talk to the ghosts in the farmhouse.”